4 tips that’ll keep your crypto safe from hackers this bull market
04 Mar 2024

Crypto users and projects must keep their heads on a swivel going into the next bull market, watching out for untrustworthy exchanges, unsecured decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols and ever-evolving phishing scams. In January, hackers launched 30 attacks and made off with over $182.5 million in stolen funds, marking a year-on-year increase of 771% from January…

Physicist explains how his ‘Power Law’ model got to $10M Bitcoin by 2045
04 Mar 2024

Former physics professor Giovanni Santostasi has shed new light on his “power law” model for predicting the price of Bitcoin — which tips arrived at a prediction of $10 million per individual BTC by the year 2045. A power law is a mathematical relationship where one value is proportional to a fixed power of another value….