Crypto Trends Weekly 31 July – 06 Aug.

10 Aug 2021

Breaking crypto news from the last week (31 July – 06 August 2021):

31 July: US officials hire a cryptocurrency firm to hold Bitcoin it’s seizing. Following a rise in crypto-related crimes, federal law enforcement is seizing a lot of crypto assets. Now the US government has hired a cryptocurrency firm to hold all its Bitcoin seizures.

01 Aug.: Polish Bitcoin miners took the idea of hiding in plain sight to a new level when they placed the rack with operating crypto machines inside police headquarters. As local media reported, Polish police have found a crypto-mining rig within its own police station.

02 Aug.: Markets for digital collectibles known as non-fungible tokens (NFT) have climbed to record highs in trading volume and average prices in the past week, particularly over the weekend. NFT marketplace OpenSea saw record trading volume on Saturday and Sunday as CryptoPunks, ArtBlocks, and Bored Ape Yacht Club prices soared.

03 Aug.: Payments giant Paypal is hiring more than 100 crypto-related positions as demand for cryptocurrencies grows. Paypal’s CEO recently revealed the company’s expansion plans.

04 Aug.: Gary Gensler, the chair of the US Securities and Exchange Commission, called on Congress to give the agency more authority to stronger regulate cryptocurrency exchanges, lending, and platforms riddled with fraud and investor risk by his words.

05 Aug.: Will CBDC undermine the advantages of private crypto? Gillian Tett writes in the FT column on how the Boston Fed and MIT are building an entirely new CBDC platform to displace existing cryptocurrencies.06 Aug.: The US Securities and Exchange Commission charged Cayman Islands-registered DeFi Money Market and its two top executives for unregistered sales of more than $30 million of securities using smart contracts and decentralized finance. This is the SEC’s first securities case involving DeFi technology.

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