Dr. Jordan Peterson says on Bitcoin value ‘preferable to gold’

24 Aug 2021

Jordan Peterson, a popular Canadian psychologist, Professor, writer, and public intellectual, released a podcast on Youtube, sharing his thoughts regarding the value of Bitcoin, which is “preferable to gold.”

The episode titled “Bitcoin: The Future of Money?” containing an in-depth technical, philosophical, and economic conversation between Dr. Peterson and well-known bitcoiners John Vallis, Richard James, Der Gigi, and Robert Breedlove, was recorded back in May but released just in August.

Discussing with Gigi and Richard James concerning the ethical implications that can come as a result of the low time preference lifestyle that Bitcoin promotes, Dr. Peterson concluded:

“The very act of Bitcoin sanctifying the sovereignty of the individual is actually tilting individuals towards doing something good rather than something bad. It’s not just neutral as Gigi was laying out, there’s an intrinsic ethic to Bitcoin that is more likely to tilt it in a positive direction.”

At the same time, this comes as a marked contrast to other public intellectuals (like Elon Musk) who, when pressed by the Bitcoin community, often fail to display adequately sufficient depth of understanding, traits so often found in by Bitcoin maximalists.

Discussing Musk’s notorious comments over excessive Bitcoin’s energy consumption, Dr. Peterson retorted:

“What should happen is that whatever energy is expended in the production of Bitcoin and the maintenance of the system should be more than recouped by the increased efficiency of every system that uses Bitcoin as a transactional device. And so there’ll be a net energy gain not a net energy loss if you calculated it across the entire system. And so it’s a mistake just to look at the cost of generating Bitcoin in the absence of considering the efficiencies that Bitcoin would produce.”

Peterson frequently shared online lectures regarding various topics in different fields. Being a public and multi-disciplinary figure, he often finds himself amid the public controversy over his thoughts. But the freedom to explore ideas without censorship is one of the fundamental Bitcoin principles. It is important as a decentralized network of thinkers, but not putting any single on a pedestal.

Delivering during the episode many interesting thoughts on his understanding of the importance of Bitcoin Ethos, Dr. Peterson resumed:

“It’s a very interesting idea that Bitcoin provides an incorruptible language of value, preferable to gold.”

Recently, The Value Trend experts wrote on the future of Bitcoin that regardless of what other effects regulation may have, fitting Bitcoin into a legal and fiscal framework will allow for increased adoption and demand from institutions. While Wall Street wants Bitcoin to thrive because it will put more money in their pocket, but they need the SEC, government, and other regulatory bodies to be on board.

Source: https://bitcoinmagazine.com/culture/jordan-peterson-releases-podcast-on-bitcoin

Image source: https://www.psych.utoronto.ca/people/directories/all-faculty/jordan-peterson

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