Nvidia CEO believes the blockchain and NFT-powered metaverse is just around the corner

16 Jun 2021

Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang said he “believes we’re right on the cusp of” the Metaverse and spoke glowingly of its potential, predicting that users will one day use metaverses to “simulate the future,” while Nvidia’s new Voyager campus shows what it will look like when the Metaverse meets the real world.

One of the most influential men in the IT world predicts that a persistent, interlinked virtual world with a self-sustaining economy — also called the Metaverse — is the matter of the nearest future.

The Metaverse — a term referring to Neal Stephenson’s iconic cyberpunk novel of 1992 ‘Snow Crash’ — is now inspiring crypto enthusiasts. They hope to create a VR/AR world with an internal market, powered by the most exciting use cases of blockchain and nonfungible tokens (NFTs), while Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang believes technologies to make it happen are just around the corner.

He said that he “believe(s) we’re right on the cusp of” the Metaverse, speaking at the virtual Computex conference, and spoke enthusiastically of its potential at the time of a Q&A session with reporters. Huang thinks that users will use metaverses to “simulate the future” one day.

“There will be AR versions, where the art that you have is a digital art. You own it using NFT. You’ll display that beautiful art, that’s one of a kind, and it’s completely digital. You’ll have our glasses on or your phone. You can see that it’s sitting right there, perfectly lit, and it belongs to you. We’ll see this overlay, a metaverse overlay if you will, into our physical world,” said Huang.

He revealed that his company is already using a campus named “Voyager” to test these theories. It represents a VR version of Nvidia’s new office building.

Nvidia, one of the largest GPU manufacturers in the world, applied its supercomputers to simulate the architecture of the campus, which helps to test the design and ecological efficiency of the office. The company going to make a joint VR/physical workplace hybrid, which will allow employees wearing VR headsets to attend work from home and control robots moving by the physical office space.

“This building completely exists in VR. We designed it completely digitally. We’re going to build it out so that there will be a digital twin of this very physical building in VR. We’ll be able to simulate everything, train our robots in it. We can simulate how best to distribute the air conditioning to reduce the energy consumption,” he said at the conference.

“We can simulate all of that in our digital twin, our building metaverse before we deploy anything here in the physical world. We’ll be able to go in and out of it using VR and AR,” Huang added.

Jensen Huang isn’t the only tech leader who is so optimistic about NFTs and the Metaverse as far. Before, Tim Sweeney, the founder of Fortnite, said that NFTs are the most “plausible” way to a functioning metaverse, although they remain a “speculative mess” at the moment.

Source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/nvidia-ceo-we-re-on-the-cusp-of-a-blockchain-and-nft-enabled-metaverse

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