ZK proofs could change the internet, not just Web3 — Aleo exec

ZK-proofs could help online privacy by only revealing relevant user information, solving the internet’s “biggest problem,” says Brennen Schlueter. Zero-knowledge proofs could be used to solve the “biggest problem” plaguing the internet today: privacy, according to one cryptocurrency executive. Speaking with Cointelegraph at the Ethereum Community Conference (EthCC) the marketing chief at privacy-focused infrastructure platform…

Fear of blockchain will have ‘disastrous consequences’ — Ava Labs CEO testimony

Gün Sirer says the U.S. “won the first wave of the internet revolution” because it enabled responsible innovation. Now, it must do the same with blockchain. Ava Labs CEO Emin Gün Sirer will be calling on United States officials to “nurture” and “support” responsible blockchain innovation, warning that they face “disastrous consequences” if they don’t….

Blockchains need an interoperable standard to evolve, say crypto execs

Blockchains without interoperability are like computers without an internet connection — incapable of transferring data and value, a Chainlink Labs executive says. Blockchain technology needs a benchmark communications standard that can be easily integrated by every network in order for a complete transition from Web2 to Web3 to occur, industry commentators say. Many expect there will be multiple…

Here’s why Web2.5 could be the missing piece of the puzzle in daily digital lives

Web3 is evolving rapidly, but mass adoption is still a mirage. According to the latest data released by Statista, the number of internet users around the world reached 5.16 billion in January 2023, representing a staggering 64.4% of the worldwide population. Undoubtedly, the world is consistently digitizing while technology continues to advance in parallel, bringing about…

Web 3.0: Message to Those Lost In the Web. Part 4

The last time you dived headlong into the World Wide Web, you probably did so without as much as thinking about it. It has become natural for us: we are always online, our smartphones stay connected to the web, as do the computers we work on, our smart TVs, etc. And soon, the immersion may…

Web 3.0: Message to Those Lost In the Web. Part 3

The last time you dived headlong into the World Wide Web, you probably did so without as much as thinking about it. It has become natural for us: we are always online, our smartphones stay connected to the web, as do the computers we work on, our smart TVs, etc. And soon, the immersion may…