BNB Beacon Chain to add ‘panic’ feature that can ‘halt’ blockchain

BNB Beacon Chain mainnet is set to undergo the “ZhangHeng” hard fork around July 19, which will bring new upgrades aimed at improving security. The Binance-operated BNB Beacon Chain mainnet is set to add a new feature in its upcoming hard fork, which will give the blockchain the ability to “halt” the production of new…

What does the future of Web3 look like to SafePal CEO Veronica Wong?

As crypto winter and numerous disasters plagued 2022, what is next in Web3 space in 2023? As the world moves toward a more digital future, the concept of Web3 and its potential to revolutionize the internet has become a hot topic in the tech industry. In this interview, SafePal CEO Veronica Wong, shares her insights on the future…

Vitalik Buterin divulges the ‘largest remaining challenge’ in Ethereum

While the concept of stealth addresses appears complex in theory, Buterin previously described it as a “low-tech approach” compared to other Ethereum privacy solutions. Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has shared a possible solution to what he describes as the “largest remaining challenge” on Ethereum — privacy. In a blog post on Jan. 20, Buterin acknowledged the need…