Social network on the blockchain: the quintessence of Web 3.0

Up until just now, every popular social network was centralized, with its own administration, central servers, etc. But as Web 3.0 emerges, so do decentralized blockchain-based social media. The founder of SpaceX, Tesla CEO, and Starlink creator, Elon Musk, was recently asked whether he would consider creating a new open-source social network that prioritized freedom…

Web 3.0: Message to Those Lost In the Web. Part 4

The last time you dived headlong into the World Wide Web, you probably did so without as much as thinking about it. It has become natural for us: we are always online, our smartphones stay connected to the web, as do the computers we work on, our smart TVs, etc. And soon, the immersion may…

Web 3.0: Message to Those Lost In the Web. Part 3

The last time you dived headlong into the World Wide Web, you probably did so without as much as thinking about it. It has become natural for us: we are always online, our smartphones stay connected to the web, as do the computers we work on, our smart TVs, etc. And soon, the immersion may…

Web 3.0: Message to Those Lost In the Web Part 2

The last time you dived headlong into the World Wide Web, you probably did so without as much as thinking about it. It has become natural for us: we are always online, our smartphones stay connected to the web, as do the computers we work on, our smart TVs, etc. And soon, the immersion may…

Web 3.0: Message to Those Lost In the Web. Part 1

The last time you dived headlong into the World Wide Web, you probably did so without as much as thinking about it. It has become natural for us: we are always online, our smartphones stay connected to the web, as do the computers we work on, our smart TVs, etc. And soon, the immersion may…

Web 3.0 and Web 4.0: could we see the entire Internet on the blockchain?

Could blockchain technology become something more than a basis for digital money and applications for various activities, from commerce to governance? Is it possible that the entire Internet will be based on distributed ledger technology? Today, there is a lot of conversations about different concepts of Web 3.0 – after all, the Internet is evolving,…