Binance caves to pressure over coin listings, scoring a win for privacy

Those of us in Italy and surrounding countries will be allowed to continue trading Zcash, Monero and other coins that Binance sought to condemn as unworthy. Privacy advocates scored a big win in June with Binance’s announcement that it was backtracking on a decision to delist privacy coins for users in a number of European countries. As…

Zcash: 5 years prior, 5 years ahead

The Electric Coin Company (ECC) has been working on Zcash cryptocurrency for five years and has recently presented a new project roadmap. It contains a plan for the transition from the currently used Proof-of-Work algorithm to Proof-of-Stake, as well as a lot of other interesting developments.   A short while ago, on October 28, 2021,…

Zcash is changing its ideology

Confidentiality-oriented Zcash cryptocoin is getting ready to move away from the Proof-of-Work (PoW) protocol and switch to Proof-of-Stake (PoS). There are two reasons for that: security and environment. Zcash cryptocurrency has been gradually increasing in price in recent weeks. Currently, the cost of one cryptocoin is $ 118. And the rate of growth may well…