Young siblings build crypto mining business, earning $30,000 per month

05 Sep 2021

14-year-old Ishaan Thakur and his sister, 9-year-old Aanya, have set up a lucrative mining operation. Starting with a single computer in a room desk, it is now an entire business that has a rented home and air-conditioned data center in Dallas, Texas. Monthly the two siblings earn over $30,000 mining Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

The kids in an interview have told the media that they started this venture out of sheer curiosity and to make some additional pocket money. At present, the siblings can successfully mine three premium digital crypto variants as BTC, Ravencoin, and Ethereum.

Ishaan said they started mining crypto by watching tutorials on YouTube. The 14-year-old boy used his gaming computer to mine cryptocurrencies, using his graphics card to decrypt the virtual currencies.

Ishaan says that without the support of his parents, he might not have made as much money. The boy’s parents preferred that Ishaan mine Bitcoin in the summer than spend weeks planted on the PC playing video games. Shortly after Ishaan discovered how to use his computer as crypto mining equipment, he told his sister to help him.

Now that the Thakur brothers saw that crypto mining was profitable, they were motivated to formalize it. Supported by their father, Manish Raj, the boys created ” Flifer Technologies” on April 30th. In the first month, they earned $1000.

In July, the brothers had the opportunity to buy complex mining equipment such as the Nvidia RTX 3080-ti graphics card, which is specialized for mining Bitcoin. They continued to work on crypto mining, and before the end of August, they were on course to earn around $36000.

According to their father, Manish Raj, they hope to process more than 10 billion Ethereum algorithms per second. However, this process has not been easy because they do not have the required equipment or staff.

Furthermore, the siblings have also confirmed that they are aware of the possible crypto environmental hazards and are practicing renewable and sustainable mining ordeals to facilitate crypto transactions. They have also rented a data center in Dallas Texas to speed up their mining operations.

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