7 DeFi protocol hacks in Feb sees $21 million in funds pilfered: DefiLlama
    06 Mar 2023

    DeFi platforms lost over $21 million to hackers throughout February, according to data released by DeFi project aggregator DefiLlama. Reentrancy, price oracle attacks and exploits across seven protocols caused decentralized finance (DeFi) space to bleed at least $21 million in crypto in February. According to DeFi-centric data analytics platform DefiLlama, one of the largest in the month…

    Forget time-consuming DeFi practices — Simple solutions for auto-farming
    05 Mar 2023

    DeFi is still in its infancy, yet companies are competing to offer the most convenient and high revenue-generator tools. The latest developments in the space are explored. The world of decentralized finance (DeFi) opened a vast array of new opportunities with its explosion in 2020, but it also brought new challenges and profound risks to crypto users….

    This project aims to revolutionize DeFi on Bitcoin
    04 Mar 2023

    This new project frees decentralized finance of its weak points, unlocking the liquidity of Bitcoin for DeFi projects. Bitcoin, the original cryptocurrency with the largest market cap, continues to lead the crypto market — to both the green and red. Even though the crypto space gave birth to quite a few projects, the rest of…

    Decentralized finance to be examined at inaugural CFTC tech advisory meeting
    02 Mar 2023

    A panel at an upcoming advisory meeting for the financial regulator will “explore issues in decentralized finance.” The United States commodities regulator is set to take a close look at the decentralized finance space at an upcoming meeting of its tech committee, where it has also invited crypto industry executives to present. The Commodities Futures…

    The evolution of DeFi: is a fully on-chain order book DEX a possibility?
    01 Mar 2023

    Proving their supremacy when it comes to investor security and prioritizing investor interests is where decentralized finance has the ability to shine. For most retail crypto investors, centralized digital marketplaces like Binance, Coinbase, Kraken, and many more have been the preferred gateway to the world of cryptocurrency trading. However, as leaked customer data like the…

    DeFi security: How trustless bridges can help protect users
    19 Feb 2023

    Trustless bridges enable cross-chain transfers without needing a centralized custodian, potentially making it a safer option for interoperability. Blockchain bridges allow decentralized finance (DeFi) users to use the same tokens across multiple blockchains. For example, a trader can use USD Coin on the Ethereum or Solana blockchains to interact with the decentralized applications (DApps) on those…