Quick guide: What is crypto copy trading and how does it work?

Crypto copy trading enables traders to replicate the trades of expert traders and get over the steep learning curve. How crypto copy trading works explains Dilip Kumar Patairya on Cointelegraph. Cryptocurrency trading is a complex skill requiring extensive knowledge of fundamental and technical analysis and the cryptocurrency ecosystem as a whole. As most traders lack…

Quick guide: Is Bitcoin halal or haram? Here’s what Islamic scholars are saying

Bitcoin and other crypto assets have Islamic scholars racking their brains as they attempt to discern how this new technology fits into Islamic finance, a concept that already dates back 1,400 years – studies Alex Lielacher on CryptoNews. Read on to discover the opinions of various Islamic scholars and an answer to the question: Is…

Why the crash enhances crypto’s potential

As I write, the cryptocurrency bear market is roaring, again, and seems to throw off a headline a day. Perhaps the most spectacular statistic is that $2 trillion has been lost since November 2021 and some commentators are saying that there is worse still to come. So, it may seem a strange moment to champion…

How celebrities and mega-companies impact mainstream crypto adoption

From crypto industry giants to celebrity endorsements, “mainstream crypto” is more relevant than ever as outsiders join the decentralized movement. Does it help or hurt mainstream crypto when celebrities from outside the space endorse it? – examines Savannah Fortis of Be[In]Crypto. Crypto and the utility of blockchain-based solutions are no longer a fringe for those…

Crypto Bretton Woods?

El Salvador has recently hosted a conference of several dozen developing countries’ heads of financial departments. They discussed the digital economy, servicing the unbanked citizens, and the integration of cryptocurrency into the financial system. For several days, El Salvador welcomed representatives of central banks and economic authorities from 44 countries (32 heads of central banks…

Who Will Wag Its Finger at Crypto Business?

The prospect of creating a single global regulator for the cryptocurrency market is currently being discussed at various levels. We tried to collect all the available information and surmise: How real is such a possibility, what a structure like that could do, and how the regulatory process could work. The “stablecoin crisis” that began with…