Crypto Bretton Woods?

El Salvador has recently hosted a conference of several dozen developing countries’ heads of financial departments. They discussed the digital economy, servicing the unbanked citizens, and the integration of cryptocurrency into the financial system. For several days, El Salvador welcomed representatives of central banks and economic authorities from 44 countries (32 heads of central banks…

Volatility + Instability = Hope. Part 2

Cryptocurrencies are known for their volatility, while developing countries have infamously unstable economies. But when the former is combined with the latter, it surprisingly leads to both stability and economic growth. Among the reasons for the popularity of cryptocurrencies in developing countries is the chance they give to raise your standard of living (and maybe…

Volatility + Instability = Hope. Part 1

Cryptocurrencies are known for their volatility, while developing countries have infamously unstable economies. But when the former is combined with the latter, it surprisingly leads to both stability and economic growth. People in the EU or North America, citizens of countries that set the global agenda, for the most part, still look at cryptocurrencies with…