Cornell Tech professor: NFTs can and will be so much more

    Written off by some as a big bubble, non-fungible tokens represent a step change for forgery management, royalty payments, and identity, Ari Juels, professor at Cornell Tech says on CoinDesk. If you stop people on the street and ask what they think non-fungible tokens (NFT) are all about, what will you hear? Something about outlandish…

    Andreessen Horowitz wants to standardize NFT licensing to avoid legal ambiguity

    Amid confusion over intellectual property (IP) rights, VC giant Andreessen Horowitz (a16z) is releasing a free licensing system for NFTs to address current challenges and ambiguities over the use of crypto collectibles. With help from Punk6529, the new licensing system attempts to standardize options, aiming to help the NFT sector fulfill its “economic potential.” The…