Solana faces slowdown in block production, network restarted
26 Feb 2023

The issue is linked to the recent network upgrade from 1.13 to 1.14, which slowed block finalization. Solana network faced a slowdown in block production on Fev. 25 following the upgrade in the validator software. The incident resulted in disruptions to transactions and led validators to downgrade the software in an attempt to restore network…

Coordinated global crypto policies: G20 key financial stability priority
26 Feb 2023

India’s finance minister called for a coordinated effort “for building and understanding of the macro-financial implications,” which could be used to build global crypto reforms. The first G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (FMCBG) meeting under India’s presidency discussed key financial stability and regulatory priorities. India urged member nations to understand the macro-financial implications…

Pharma companies team up with DeSci to accelerate scientific research
26 Feb 2023

Pfizer is now the first big pharma to participate in a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). Having emerged as a movement in the research community, Decentralized Science (DeSci) initiatives are progressing at a pace even big pharma cannot ignore. In fact, Pfizer is now the first pharmaceutical to vote on decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) proposals of…

Colombia’s legal system experiments in the metaverse: Report
26 Feb 2023

Colombia has positioned itself at the forefront of innovative ways to conduct legal proceedings after recently hosting a trial in the metaverse. A Colombian court recently hosted its first legal trial in the Metaverse, with the court magistrate saying it felt “more real than a video call,” according to a recent report. According to a…