The new campaign features a withdrawal warning message that attempts to prevent users from sending their crypto to scammers. Binance, in cooperation with law enforcement agencies, is launching a campaign to prevent scams by issuing targeted alerts to potential victims, according to a March 3 blog post from the company. The project, called the “Joint Anti-Scam Campaign,”…
Galaxy’s estimation was based on the rapid uptick of interest in Bitcoin NFTs, currency market infrastructure, and the potential to take some market-share away from Ethereum. In a “base case” scenario, Galaxy Digital’s research unit has tipped the burgeoning Bitcoin nonfungible token (NFT) market to hit a $4.5 billion market cap by March 2025. Bitcoin…
This new project frees decentralized finance of its weak points, unlocking the liquidity of Bitcoin for DeFi projects. Bitcoin, the original cryptocurrency with the largest market cap, continues to lead the crypto market — to both the green and red. Even though the crypto space gave birth to quite a few projects, the rest of…
French police arrested two individuals in connection with the Platypus exploit in the month of February. Welcome to Finance Redefined, your weekly dose of essential decentralized finance (DeFi) insights — a newsletter crafted to bring you significant developments over the last week. DeFi will be in focus during the inaugural Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) tech advisory…