Four key takeaways from the fiasco of FTX
    21 Nov 2022

    The real reason why the FTX failure hits so hard is not that the crypto industry was duped but because it proved that the industry was vulnerable to being duped – Sam Kessler explains on CoinDesk. Depending upon whom you ask, last week’s FTX blowup feels bigger than when Mt. Gox, the original Bitcoin exchange,…

    FTX collapse could push crypto toward decentralization and market recovery – expert

    Jonah Van Bourg, Cumberland’s Head of Trading, said on Twitter that FTX’s collapse will trigger calls for significant changes in crypto markets away from centralization. He also said that these industry-defining events usually come before market recovery. The collapse of crypto exchange FTX would trigger significant market structure changes, namely moving away from a model…

    Quick guide: What is crypto copy trading and how does it work?

    Crypto copy trading enables traders to replicate the trades of expert traders and get over the steep learning curve. How crypto copy trading works explains Dilip Kumar Patairya on Cointelegraph. Cryptocurrency trading is a complex skill requiring extensive knowledge of fundamental and technical analysis and the cryptocurrency ecosystem as a whole. As most traders lack…

    Quick guide: Is Bitcoin halal or haram? Here’s what Islamic scholars are saying
    14 Nov 2022

    Bitcoin and other crypto assets have Islamic scholars racking their brains as they attempt to discern how this new technology fits into Islamic finance, a concept that already dates back 1,400 years – studies Alex Lielacher on CryptoNews. Read on to discover the opinions of various Islamic scholars and an answer to the question: Is…

    Quick guide: What you need to know about exchange tokens after FTX’s FTT meltdown

    Exchange tokens are the backbone of many top exchanges, but how much risk is involved? — explains Jason Nelson on Decrypt. This Learn article will cover what exchange tokens are, what they are used for, how they are purchased, and the new scrutiny on them in light of FTX’s reported malfeasance related to its FTT…

    What are crypto whale trackers and how do they work?
    07 Nov 2022

    To be informed of market movements, crypto investors need to identify and track wallets that hold large volumes of the cryptocurrencies they are interested in. How using on-chain tracking tools helps with the automation of the tracking process — explains Arunkumar Krishnakumar on Cointelegraph. What are crypto whales? Most cryptocurrencies have a number of large…