The Toncoin cryptocurrency was developed independently, but the concept and first drafts got designed by Pavel Durov, the creator of the Telegram messenger. Hence the project’s market niche – it is digital money to pay for services within Telegram. What are Toncoin’s prospects and uses, and does it have a future – let’s find out!…
The Toncoin cryptocurrency was developed independently, but the concept and first drafts got designed by Pavel Durov, the creator of the Telegram messenger. Hence the project’s market niche – it is digital money to pay for services within Telegram. What are Toncoin’s prospects and uses, and does it have a future – let’s find out!…
The fallen value of the first cryptocurrency and the largest outflow of investors from the crypto market raise new questions. Can BTC become a widely accepted means of payment? Will it retain its role as a store of value? How does the policy of the American financial authorities play into it? And what will happen…
As the Middle East becomes a global hub in blockchain adoption, the head of the BSV Blockchain Association, Jimmy Nguyen, has presented the features of the BSV enterprise blockchain at the University of Dubai. The Association has also funded research development projects with the local universities, where students use blockchain technology. Lately, the Middle East…
ICICB, a Dubai-based investment holding company, has announced a series of new innovative services, including the ICICB Chain, ICICB Metaverse, and ICICB Bank. Established in 2019, the ICICB Group sees its mission to be at the forefront of digital transformation worldwide and now has more than a hundred branch offices in over 26 countries. In…
The two largest blockchain platforms – Ethereum and Solana – are now in a fierce confrontation. Will the technological reform and transition to Ethereum 2.0 help Ether? Or has the originally more advanced Solana network escalated its growth momentum enough to overtake ETH? What blockchain platform will become the new leader in the DeFi segment?…