Who Will Wag Its Finger at Crypto Business?

    The prospect of creating a single global regulator for the cryptocurrency market is currently being discussed at various levels. We tried to collect all the available information and surmise: How real is such a possibility, what a structure like that could do, and how the regulatory process could work. The “stablecoin crisis” that began with…

    Major Stablecoin Debacle. Part 2

    This past week will surely go down in the history of cryptocurrencies as the point that marked a major shift in attitudes towards stablecoins. On the one hand, it became clear that algorithmic stablecoins did not live up to expectations. On the other, authorities all across the world got a reason to regulate this segment…

    Major Stablecoin Debacle. Part 1

    This past week will surely go down in the history of cryptocurrencies as the point that marked a major shift in attitudes towards stablecoins. On the one hand, it became clear that algorithmic stablecoins did not live up to expectations. On the other, authorities all across the world got a reason to regulate this segment…

    Cuba: a Fascinating Little-Known Cryptocurrency Experiment

    Last year, Cuba became only the second country in the world (after El Salvador) to allow the use of cryptocurrency as legal tender. And going one step further, it legalized all virtual assets at once. Eight months have passed since then, so let’s see where the project is now. Since September 15, 2021, Cubans could…

    European View of DeFi

    On May 7, the European Commission (EC), or, more precisely, its division called the Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union, published a fascinating document called European Financial Stability and Integration Review 2022. Two-thirds of it was dedicated to DeFi, and having examined it, the author of these lines got the impression…

    Regulating Crypto Business: The Search for Compromise

    The crypto community and government authorities continue looking for ways to build a relationship. The UAE is starting to license crypto businesses, and in the US, major crypto exchanges and brokers are cooperating to comply with FATF requirements. Unfortunately, this is a topic we have to bring up over and over again. Regulators continue to…