The Toncoin cryptocurrency was developed independently, but the concept and first drafts got designed by Pavel Durov, the creator of the Telegram messenger. Hence the project’s market niche – it is digital money to pay for services within Telegram. What are Toncoin’s prospects and uses, and does it have a future – let’s find out!…
Food and beverage outlets in the UAE are starting to take payments in cryptocurrencies as the sector takes to cutting-edge tech and smart payments. For now, 6% of UAE consumers are okay with doing so with crypto. But UAE consumers want these businesses to tackle some legacy issues as well, not least having to wait…
Gaming companies are poised to be on the metaverse’s cutting edge, former Nintendo executive Reggie Fils-Aimé predicts. In the metaverse and gaming content is still king, he said. In the last year, the 3D virtual world known as the metaverse has come to the forefront of tech and business discourse. Facebook, for instance, has changed…
As the metaverse disrupts the existing technological landscape, Rob Gryn, CEO of Dubai-based startup Everdome, told Gulf Business how Everdome and Metahero are on a journey to create something the world has not seen yet. Mark Zuckerberg once said, “Today, I think we look at the internet. But in the future, you are going to…
The fallen value of the first cryptocurrency and the largest outflow of investors from the crypto market raise new questions. Can BTC become a widely accepted means of payment? Will it retain its role as a store of value? How does the policy of the American financial authorities play into it? And what will happen…
In its first day, the Bitcoin Association for BSV welcomes global innovators discussing the latest in NFT auctioning, the future of play-to-earn gaming, and a unique, real-world approach to building a metaverse Dubai 25 May 2022 ‒ Yesterday, the inaugural BSV Global Blockchain Convention Kicked off at the Grand Hyatt in Dubai. The three-day convention,…